Bikur Cholim בקור חולים

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Burglars and Holiday - Part II

It is this time of the year again when the cold spell sets in and you are planning a well deserved Winter break. Incidentally, this is also the period of the sales season, when public spending soars through the annual charts - but we shouldn't forget that some people will want to join the frenzy and will do anything to lay their hands on some easy money.
Burglars will strike when they find an easy target or an easy time: unattended places or unattentive people. Statistically many burglaries happen to occupied houses when people sleep the tightest between the hours of 2:00AM to 5:00AM.
With this in mind, it would be prudent to put some safeguards in place, in addition to our previous Home Security article, published prior to the Summer holiday

The Basics:
Always keep the door locked, even when you are in the house; just because you are indoors does not mean someone would not come in anyway.
If your front door doesn't have glass, you can fit a spy-hole in the front and back door. Or get into the habit of looking through a window near the door to see who is calling.
Train children not to open the door to strangers at any time, even with when using CCTV or similar entry phones.
Be sure, at night as well as daytime, that yard gates and other such locations are closed; many burglars prefer a place where very easy access is provided-opening and closing a gate takes time, attracts attention, makes noise, etc.

When bringing in the shopping from your car, or working in the back yard, don't leave the front door unlocked. Or if running next door for a minute, don't leave the house open and doors unlocked . . . many thefts and burglaries occur this way without the owner or renter knowing it.

An outside light over the door will help you see a caller in the dark. Install one with a built-in timer or with a daylight sensor.

Do not use the spring-snap locks; they are opened very easily and practically without any sound.
Use chain locks as an added precaution on all entries.
Remember: it does little good to have good locks on the front door and poor locks elsewhere.

Doorstep Crooks or genuine Tradesmen?
Some criminals won't go to the trouble of breaking into your home if they can just knock and be invited in. You've probably had many authentic callers at your front door and not one trickster – but be careful. Bogus callers come in all shapes and sizes.
When answering the door, ask to see proper identification; if the person is a salesman, solicitor, repairman or utility company representative, he or she will have proper identification. If you agree to have someone visit your home and you will not be home when they call, be sure to leave a note for the family members to confirm the details.
Water board officials never need to come into your home to test water pressure or repair leaks - even in emergencies. If they do need to get in they send you a letter first.
Gas and electricity meter readers want you to check their identity before you let them in. If in doubt, ring up and check; bona fide callers don't mind this in the least. Keep the phone numbers handy.
You could always join the password scheme so the meter reader gives you an arranged password when they call.
Report too many "wrong number" calls you receive from telephone callers to the police and telephone company; it could be a burglar - with a very convincing voice - trying to determine if anyone is at home.
Never allow anyone to talk you into "buying" back something stolen from your home. Report such an offer to police promptly and follow their instructions on the matter.

Consult your home content insurance provider for further guidance.

Don't let people in until you know who they are
Keep the door locked while you check their story
If you let someone in, stay with them at all times
Never part with money or other things, whatever they say
If suspicious - ring the police
Check identity cards thoroughly
Don't let callers put pressure on you to let them in; and
If in doubt - Keep Them Out!
*** Last and most importantly: Use COMMON SENSE - if you are suspicious, don't take chances! ***
The best way to have a safe home is to have your mezuzas checked twice every seven years"

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